Who is this guy?
Well to start my name is Paul Caine and I’m a network engineer.
Coming in to my career late on in life I’ve managed to bag myself so many opportunities and have been blessed with so many good, patient people that have supported my development and driven me.
Back in 2021 I was becoming fed up of the job that I had been in for around 10 years and it was just a job. I decided t start following the path I was more passionate about and that was frontend development.
Enjoying the learning and I was following my own path and learning style I was having a blast. I left the dull job and started at a tech company at the bottom to help me find away in to the industry.
In 2023 this was made possible and I was offered an apprenticeship as a network engineer.
Although it was not what I had been working towards, I snapped it up. 12 Month on and I have really grown to enjoy it.
Being a tech enthusiast I do enjoy building a testing new apps and technologies on my home lab. Although the lab is small, it’s being built up over time.
I have rambled on here but I will tell the full story in my first post of the glog.
My Thoughts!
By 2028 I would like to have completed my apprenticeship and with a couple of certs in the portfolio and fulling within a role of automation.
What do I want from my site?
- Just to document my journey
- Share knowledge I pick up
- And show that its not to late to start a career